Common Elbow Conditions


People experiencing elbow pain, or those with an elbow injury, may spot signs of swelling, as well as feelings of tenderness and numbness. In more severe cases, a patient may experience elbow instability or loss of the elbow’s normal movement.

Some of the most common arm and elbow conditions treated at Direct Orthopedic Care include:


Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a type of tendinitis caused by overuse and repetitive gripping activities.

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Bursitis occurs when the bursa, a thin fluid-filled sac at the tip of the elbow, becomes irritated or inflamed.

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Most arm or elbow fractures result from direct falls or forceful hits to the elbow, resulting in pain and swelling around the elbow.

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Dislocation or Instability

Elbow dislocations are commonly caused by a fall but can also arise from more traumatic incidents such as motor vehicle accidents.

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Ruptured Triceps Tendon

Triceps tendon rupture typically occurs after the elbow has been forced to bend during an activity that requires pushing.

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Ruptured Biceps Tendon

Often the result of lifting heavy objects or a rough fall, a ruptured biceps tendon causes pain that radiates down the biceps region.

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Golfer’s Elbow

Overuse of the forearm muscles, especially repetitive motion involving the hand or wrist, can lead to Golfer’s elbow.

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Several types of arthritis can affect the elbows, leading to symptoms of pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion.

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Biceps Tendonitis

Biceps tendonitis in the elbow occurs when the tendons undergo consistent stress, creating pain and weakness in the arm.

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Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Cubital tunnel syndrome is caused when the ulnar nerve, located near the skin around your elbow, undergoes increased pressure.

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Osteochondritis Dissecans

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), an inflammatory pathology of the bone and cartilage, occurs when a piece of bone and cartilage near the elbow breaks off.

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See an arm and elbow specialist today