Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy

Direct Orthopedic Care (DOC) uses diverse tools to get patients back doing the activities they love. Physical therapy is one of the most widely used tools by our orthopedic providers. A physical therapist is a trained professional who restores a patient’s strength and motion following an injury or surgery. Therapists can teach patients specific exercises, stretches, and techniques, many of which are difficult to manage without the physical therapist’s expertise.

Physical therapists play a vital role in the recovery process after an injury or surgical procedure. Therapists have wide-ranging knowledge of surgical procedures, and they often work with providers to develop treatment plans to help patients accomplish their recovery goals. Additionally, therapists know the limitations and precautions to take after surgical procedures to ensure positive outcomes.


Physical therapists use various techniques to move patients along the recovery pathway. Stretching and strengthening are the most common techniques.

Stretching is critical in maintaining or gaining the range of motion in joints. Stretching helps to preserve the flexibility of a joint, and it prevents the build-up of scar tissue after surgery. If joints become stiff due to lack of stretching, everyday activities can be affected, such as hiking or reaching overhead.

Strengthening exercises are used to improve muscle function. When the muscles are strengthened, endurance is increased, and range of motion is improved or maintained.

Physical therapists will also use a range of tools to increase blood flow to the injured area. Heat and ice application stimulates blood flow and decreases swelling. Ultrasound uses sound wave vibrations to stimulate warming in the muscle and increased blood flow. Electrical stimulation uses an electrical current to cause the muscle to contract, which increases blood flow and encourages healing.

It is important to note that different injuries need to be treated with a different combination of therapies. It is important to consult your medical provider or physical therapist before trying treatments on your own.


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